Operation 504 Rebuild.

As many of you will know in February I headed down to New Orleans to work with the Episcopal Community Services of Louisiana. In the words of my friend and brother Andrew, “This is the church-in-action, embracing its call and mission for others, as it helps to rebuild communities, still five years after they were devastated by Katrina.”

This is a group of folks who are rebuilding parts of New Orleans one home at a time. I can tell you, because I was there, this is some really great work. However, the ECSLA has yet to receive their grant funding and is in danger of having to shut down. They are currently working on 8 homes (one of which I was working on in February) and in order to even finish up these 8 homes they need to raise $60,000 by May 1st. That may seem like a large feat, but certainly it is possible if folks freely give what God has given to them. In fact, we have been given to so that we can give.

This is an opportunity where we must act as if God did not exist. We cannot rely on others to give or on God to pull off some sort of miracle. Rather, you and I must open our wallets and give generously.

I can tell you that the home I was working on is for a woman and her husband who is very ill. He suffered a stroke shortly after the hurricane and is currently living in a small trailer in their front yard. The kicker is, he is on heavy duty machinery to help him breath. In order for the machines to be plugged in they must unplug other appliances in their trailer including their fridge. These folks need to get into their home, and soon.

Please read this.

And please, give whatever you can right here.

Also, if you’re willing, please re-post this or send it to folks you might know.

Grace and peace.

  1. aislingclaire said:

    Wow. That is alot of mulah.
    I get what you are saying by “acting as if God does not exist” but I think that it is because God exists that he wants us to act. He works through us and choses to work through us, right? So, I don’t think it should be emphasized that our mindest should be it is our turn to work, but it is his responsibility given to us to be his hands, feet, and wallet.

  2. jt* said:

    Well I’m not actually saying anything about whether or not God exists or believing that God exists or doesn’t. I’m merely suggesting that we must *act* as if God doesn’t exist. If you don’t give that hungry person food to eat, who will?

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